The Supreme Authority
He has the keys to the unseen: no one knows them but Him.
He knows all that is in the land and sea.
No leaf falls without His knowledge, nor is there a single grain in the darkness of the earth, or anything, fresh or withered, that is not written in a clear Record.
It is He who calls your souls back by night, knowing what you have done by day, then raises you up again in the daytime until your fixed term is fulfilled.
It is to Him that you will return in the end, and He will tell you what you have done.
He is the Supreme Master over His subjects.
He sends out recorders to watch over you until, when death overtakes any of you, those sent by Us take his soul- they never fail in their duty.
Then they will all be returned to God, their true Lord.
The Judgement truly belongs to Him, and He is the swiftest of reckoners.
Surah 6, The Cattle, Verses 59-62